Saturday, February 27, 2010

Beer and wine, no change there!

Quite randomly, the power's just gone out in our house, we overheat the fusebox when we leave the tunble drier for too long. It's really our own fault, as we don't have an excluder for the drier, as it sits under a worktop getting all steamy! Everything's working again now, situation normal!

OK,so time to update on the usual!

I've tried my flinty endoscope now, it's currently carbonated and well. Hopefully we've left it in the warm place long enough to keep the carbonation this time, as the bulk is now back out in the shed conditioning. It had similar taste to the first batch we did, unsurprisingly, but it isn't quite there yst. we really liked the banana flavours we got from the first batch, and obviously that's what we want from this batch.

I've started an orange wurzel and a pineapple wurzel wine as well. They're both fom juices with bits in, so we'll see how that goes. I've added much less sugar to these so the ABV will be more 'friendly'!

I've now got some Medium Malt Extract to use in the IPA I keep putting off starting, so I hopefully will get that going tomorrow.

On a side note, I'm about to start the 'growyourown Mushrooms' kit I was given for Christmas. I've been given it by the same people who got me the first beer kit, so I may be on a slippery slope to keeping my own fungi on a log in the garden soon!

We'll see how that goes!


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